Retail and marketing


Last Updated on Monday, 16 April 2012 07:30 Written by Tomislav Trajkovski Saturday, 07 April 2012 12:05


In the 21st cen­tury com­pa­nies no longer uti­lize the tra­di­tional means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. In the past we used to print large quan­ti­ties of boo­klets and flyers and use them for a longer pe­riod of time. No­wa­days we have cu­stom-made com­mu­ni­ca­tion, sea­so­nally de­ter­mined, per­so­na­lized and of course new tech­no­lo­gies.

The role of App­lify

App­lify’s roots lie in con­tent ma­na­ge­ment, e-busi­ness and print. From there App­lify has de­ve­loped a so­lu­tion for mar­ke­ting and com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

The App­lify-so­lu­tion con­tains con­tent ma­na­ge­ment, plan­ning and a work­flow for crea­tion, ima­ge­bank ma­na­ge­ment, on­line editing, PDF crea­tion, pu­bli­ca­tion of ad­ver­ti­se­ments, prin­ting with your own prin­ters, out­sour­cing and ta­xa­tion.

App­lify gives you the tools and sup­port to in­tro­duce new com­mu­ni­ca­tion wi­thin your or­ga­ni­sa­tion with more speed and cer­tainty.

What do I get?

The App­lify-so­lu­tion is built up of a web­site en­vi­ro­ment where ima­ge­bank, on­line editing and plan­ning of crea­tive layout. From the work­flow or­ders can be sent to the local printer, ad­ver­ti­se­ments to the press. Prin­ting can also be out­sourced to ex­t­rernal com­pa­nies. Ta­xa­tion is achieved by a click on the button.

This can be used as a ser­vice on the App­lify ser­vers or as soft­ware in­stalled on your own ser­vers.

Our ap­proach

In an in­tro­duc­tio­nary mee­ting we will ana­lyze your cur­rent work pro­cesses in the fields of crea­tive, DTP, ima­ge­bank ma­na­ge­ment, pri­ting and press and ad­ver­ti­se­ments.

App­lify will pre­sent you dif­fe­rent well-wor­king cu­stomer cases which apply to your own si­tua­tion. Using this in­for­ma­tion as a ‘roadmap’, we will come to know which di­rec­tion is the best for your com­pany.

App­lify will make sure that a new work­flow with in­tranet is pre­sent in your com­pany wi­thin a few weeks. The ad­van­tages of this will be vi­sible di­rectly, both for you and your cu­sto­mers.

This is all done by the ‘no-cure, no-pay’ prin­ciple.

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How does this pay off?

You will be able to apply new com­mu­ni­ca­tion re­ally quickly. You will have in­sights in the work of your crea­tive em­ployees and you will know that they aren’t doing unne­cessary work. Your em­ployees will be able to con­trol the prin­ters di­rectly from the en­vi­ro­ment.

You will have pos­ses­sion of a tool in which you can con­trol all mo­dern means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion.


  • Di­gital asset ma­na­ge­ment
  • One or more sub­si­dia­ries
  • Ma­king of all for­mats of do­cu­ments, from busi­ness cards to pro­mo­tional ma­te­rial
  • Ma­king of stan­dard tem­plates
  • Free editing of image, logos and text
  • PDF-pre­viewing
  • In­te­gra­tion with other parts of Flow­Suite which leads to mi­nimal ex­penses/li>
  • De­si­gning from Mi­cro­soft Of­fice and Adobe In­De­sign can be im­ple­mented ea­sily
  • Layout con­trol
  • Ad­vanced sup­port and in­te­gra­tion of ima­gery

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  • Berden Mode en Wonen
  • Curves
  • Red­Bull

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